Directions to Warner Woods
From Route 2 West and Route 128/95
Take Route 128/95 to the Route 2 West exit. Follow Route 2 West to Route 62 West which is at the sixth traffic light on Route 2 West (West Concord/Maynard). At the light, take a left onto Route 62 and at the second traffic light bear right onto Commonwealth Avenue through West Concord Center. Cross the railroad tracks and continue through the business district. As you leave the center you will see a car dealership on the left. The road divides—stay straight to Laws Brook Road. Warner Woods in on your left in about 3/10th of a mile.
From Route 495 and Route 2 East
From Rout 2 East take the second right after Concordian Motel (between the two fields) onto School Street and a left onto Laws Brook Road in Acton which becomes Laws Brook Road in Concord. Warner Woods in on the right.