Click on the unit names below to view a floor plan.
1 bedroom
1 bathroom
Bow Window
1 bedroom
1 bathroom
1 bedroom
1.5 bathroom
1 bedroom
1.5 bathroom
Garden Apartment
2 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
Bow Window
2 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
Bow Window
2 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
End Unit, Bow Window
2 bedrooms
2 bathrooms

James Audubon: 1785-1851
The American artist famous for his drawings and paintings of North American birds published in the book Audubon's Birds of America
Luther Burbank: 1849-1926.
An American botanist and plant breeder, Burbank developed new fruits and flowers.
Rachel Carson: 1907-1964.
American biologist and ecologist who became the mother of the environmental movement with her influential book, Silent Spring
David Douglas: 1798-1834.
Scottish botanist who traveled in North American and in 1826 first introduced into cultivation the Douglas fir tree, a tall evergreen timber free with short needles and egg shaped cones. He introduced many North American native conifers to Europe.
Charles Sutherland Elton: 1900-1991.
A British ecologist, considered among the most influential of the 20th century. He pioneered the study
of plant forms and animal behavior in their natural environments, along with the impact of introduced species on natural systems.
Dr. Samuel Graham: 1891-1967.
An American naturalist and highly respected ecologist who was among the first to relate that everything, including insects, pay a role in the forest, which was to be seen as an organism of many elements, not simply a collection of trees.
Sir Julian Huxley: 1887-1975.
Grandson of British biologist Thomas Huxley. An ecologist interest in the conservation of wildlife, Huxley founded the World Wildlife Fund, one of the largest environment organizations in the world. Huxley was the first director general of UNESCO--the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization—which promotes collaboration among nations.
John Muir: 1838-1914. American conservationist, writer and crusader for national parks, and founder of the Sierra Club.
Henry David Thoreau: 1817-1862.
Concord's very own, who went into the woods to live alone self reliantly. Thoreau exhorted people to simplify and reject the materialism of their lives. His words continue to inspire new generations.